Wednesday 25 April 2012

Be Child-Like....

Today, in our program, I had a very magical moment with a dad and his son. We had a morning full of exploring pond life and watching the Canada Geese goslings. When we moved into a field, we found a perfect hill to roll down. Of course I put down all my bags and nets, laid down on the ground and proceeded to roll down the hill!

Wooooo, was real dizzy after that. The parents just laugh at me and watch me as the children join me in the ancient game of hill rolling.

When I encouraged the child to teach his dad how to roll, I was met with some hesitation on the dad's part.

"Oh, I don't think I could do it..." was his reply.

But with a little encouragement, he took his phone and keys out of his pocket and laid down beside his son and listen to the hill-rolling instructions. In that moment between the hesitation to lying down on the hill top, the energy shifted.... the adult-parent hat came off, and the child inside came out to play with a little boy. The adult became child-like and met the child on his turf... in child-like play.

Here is what happened in the moment and soon afterwards.

To top off this experience, while walking back, I was running and jumping in puddles with the children... and the dad asked me...

"So if you were on your own, would you be running through these puddles?"

and my friend and other parent replied for me...

"Yes she would!"

We forget to be child-like and it is through this fun state that we connect the best with children and each other... plus it is great for the soul to be free and happy. I encourage you to try it. And if you don't have children, borrow the neighbours.  Let me know how it goes.

Until next time...


  1. Cool video . . . ahh, the simple pleasure of rolling down a hill! Amazing how fast adults can return to childhood joys when provided the opportunity!

    1. so true. And we need more of those opportunities.
